Grass Valley, Nevada City, & Auburn Frozen Water Lines 530-305-4781

Frozen Or Broken Pipes?  Get A Licensed Grass Valley Plumber To Work On Them Today

There’s nothing more grueling than having to deal with frozen or broken pipes. However, the task at hand must be dealt with immediately instead of prolonging your distress. Golden State Plumbing offers the following tips which can dramatically reduce your stress load and minimize damage.


When extremely cold weather combines with chilly winds, there is a considerable chance that your pipes might burst. Pipe water in below freezing temperatures is turned into ice, expanding and blocking the line. As a result, this obstruction drastically increases pressure all throughout the entire system, causing vulnerability and failure. Unfortunately, this phenomenon does not spare any pipe however apparently strong the material may be, whether it is steel, copper or plastic. In other words, pressure spares nothing.

A singular and tiny crack unleashes over 250 gallons of water in twenty four hours. Burst pipes result in severe property damage, costly repairs and business interruption.

Frozen Pipes Grass Valley


• First and foremost, immediately turn off your home’s water supply valve upon any suspicion pointing to a broken pipe. This significantly reduces the pressure, minimizes water wastage and flooding, and limits the damage to your home.

• Shutting down your home’s main power must be done immediately, especially if the problematic lines are in dangerously close proximity to electrical switches.

• After having switched off the water and power supply, appliances and furniture should be moved to a safe area away from the damaging water. After all, there’s no assurance that insurance can replace or cover everything.

• If you’ve located the frozen pipe and it is accessible, try thawing it using a hairdryer. Never ever resort to using open flame for thawing as this can be very dangerous. Make sure that the faucet connected to the problematic pipe is open. This allows the safe diffusion of steam and water that will come out due to the thawing process.

• Also make sure to thaw a pipe starting from the faucet and working backward to the other end of the frozen line. As the ice melts, steam and water is safely diffused out through the open faucet. Starting anywhere in the middle of the frozen line will turn ice into steam, trapping it and building considerable pressure to rupture the pipe.
